Dedication to Ferdinand VII, Biblia Sacra |
There is one bible in his collection that has no publication details other than its editor. The Biblia Sacra is an Old Testament Vulgate bible edited by Johannes Zamboni. It is a two volume set that was dedicated to Ferdinand VII of Spain (1784-1833). The University has estimated that it was published in the nineteenth century based on its binding. It only shows the provenance of the Canterbury Catholic Literary Society, founded in 1882 which grew out of the Catholic Young Men’s Society and in 1885 had between 800 and 900 volumes in its circulation.
Interior of Novum Testamentum |
John Wells, Esq Bookplate La Sainte Bible, Vol 5 |
An Bíobla Naoṁṫha Cover |
One of the more interesting bibles in Grimes’ collection is An Bíobla Naoṁṫha, an Irish bible published in 1830 by Goodwin, Son & Nethercott in Dublin. Because of Ireland's religious background, this is most certainly a bible based on the dominant faith; Catholicism. The editor of the text is unknown and because of its severely deteriorated spine, there was not an opportunity to take pictures of the interior. It does not contain either Grimes’s bookplate or inkstamp and has no signs of annotations. It may have entered Grimes' collection in this state or it was well used by the Bishop.
I was not expecting Grimes to have such a range of bibles in his collection when I began creating the database. It is curious to see an Irish bible in his collection. I wonder if he knew Gaelic or if he had bought it as a simply an interesting bible to have in his collection or to help with the Irish Catholics in his congregation. He would have certainly learnt Latin and French at his schools in England and France for the other bibles to be relevant. I find it interesting how many rare bibles he had in his collection, not to mention the more recent bibles that may be in his larger collection.
Mosley, M. Illustrated Guide to Christchurch and Neighbourhood: Canterbury Catholic Literary Society. 1885.Victoria, University of Wellington.
Biblia Sacra. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493356 - BibliaSacra - Vol1 - Provenance1
Novum Testamentum, 1741. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493360 - NovumTestamentum - Interior1
La Sainte Bible, 1748. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493224 - LaSainte - Vol5 - Bookplate - Grimes&Wells
An Bíobla Naoṁṫha, 1830. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493446 - BioblaNaomhtha - Cover2
Biblia Sacra. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493356 - BibliaSacra - Vol1 - Provenance1
Novum Testamentum, 1741. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493360 - NovumTestamentum - Interior1
La Sainte Bible, 1748. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493224 - LaSainte - Vol5 - Bookplate - Grimes&Wells
An Bíobla Naoṁṫha, 1830. University of Canterbury Rare Books Collection - 493446 - BioblaNaomhtha - Cover2
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